So, there's these, like, yinger and yangerons, and they spin in this projected pattern which intersects fourth-dimensionally. But it isn't a measurable function. It's got a whoosh, whoom, whoooooooooh!

Anyways, here's the boring technical part. ZzZzZz...

A word from my creator...

Hey, I'm PraZ! I'm a web developer and also a Zoe one trick. I made this small cute bot to help one of my favourite community however I could. If you encounter any issue, or want to talk about the bot or any JavaScript code, feel free to message me on discord @ PraZ#4184.

You want the magic code and nerd stuff?

Here is a link to my GitHub repo. You will find all the technical informations needed to run your own ZoeBot. If you encounter any problem, open an issue or fork the repo and fill a PR with a fix!

About this website...

This website is a desperate attempt to force my creator to use Svelte. Uh, I don't think he's enjoying it... :(