There's this illusion of the reality, but it's not really really real, like it's beside and inside and inside and beside, but never on top... Nevermind, just kidding, but not really...

Ahem. Let me help you use the right commands.

What permissions do I need?

I need a few permissions in the channels you want me to post in. I won't abuse those, I promise!

  • Read Messages
    I need this to read my own posts. Yup.
  • Send Messages
    I need this to post messages, obviously.
  • Manage Messages
    I need this to remove reactions after modding.
  • Embed Links
    I need this to create good looking messages.
  • Add Reactions
    I need this to add moderation reactions.
  • Read Message History
    I need this to read my own posts. Again.


You want to add a rule?

  • z!add zoemains #public
    I will automatically post zoemains submissions in the #public channel.
  • z!add zoemains #public #mod
    I will automatically post zoemains submissions in the #mod channel and wait for a person with access to #mod to accept or reject the post (by reacting to it). If it is accepted i will post it in #public.
  • z!add zoemains #public #mod 3600
    I will do exactly the same as above. But if you don't accept or reject the post within 3600 seconds (that's an hour, duh...), I will check on reddit: if the post is [deleted] or [removed], I won't post it, otherwise, I will!

You want to remove a rule?

  • z!remove zoemains
    I will stop posting zoemains submissions. :(

You want to list the existing rules?

  • z!get
    I will give you the rules you set for the server.

You need help?

  • z!help
    I will give you a link to... uh... this page.

Moderation features

Moderation Channel

If a moderation channel is set, fetched posts will appear first in this channel with 2 reactions underneath : ✅ and ❌. Reacting with ✅ will accept the post, while reacting with ❌ will reject it. Only one reaction is needed to moderate a post.
Note: anyone that can read posts and add reactions in the channel can moderate posts.


If an automod delay was given for the rule. Posts will be automodded after the given delay. The original post will be checked on reddit to see if it has not been deleted or removed. If it is still there, it will be assumed to be safe and be posted in the public channel.